Enough has been said about dowry and abolishing the practice. So when I watched this video I liked its simple way of communicating the message, but what struck me most was the ease with which the ‘community’ reached a consensus on it. Often that is the bigger evil! Ofcourse dowry is illegal but does that knowledge convert to practice? (Incase you are going to say, yes, let me correct you) NO.

So how do we ‘do’ a NO, even when we KNOW?

When I was born my grandmother didnt see me for my first three days. First child of her last son, a girl! How will the family name continue? But I was her favourite grandchild ‘ever’ very soon (oh thats a big status being one of 19 first cousins) 🙂 ofcourse my baby brother crying ALL the time helped bolster my status.

Times have changed people say, but for a large majority they havent. They face it day in and day out, Meena and women from her community show they will change and then need to change for women.